Tuesday, October 25, 2011

You're Welcome

I hate the phrase "You're welcome". It's become such a common thing to say. After someone says "Thank you," you say "You're welcome." But does anybody really mean it? Do people honestly mean that a person is welcome to anything that can be done for them? Because that's how often we say it. If it's not something we want to do, after we're done and have been thanked, we grumble "You're welcome." But, in that case at least, we don't mean it. We just say it because that's what our mommies taught us to say after we've been thanked. Please and thank you I can understand, but in its use for courtesy "You're welcome" has lost its meaning. It bugs me when people say things they don't mean. And that is one phrase that is not often- in my experience- meant. It's just ridiculous what manners have done to feelings.

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