Monday, October 24, 2011


Words, words. Words. So much you can do with them, in so many different ways. Sticks and stones my foot. Words can hurt people so badly they’re crippled for life. Words can change people. Words can change the world.
            That’s what I want to do with words: change the world. I want everybody to hear my words, and for everybody to have the way they think forever changed by hearing a little bit of what’s in my mind. I want them to listen, and at first think Wow. And then I want them to go home and go about their lives and then go to bed. And then they’ll lie in bed and think. Think about my words. Consider my words. And when they eventually fall asleep, I want them to wake up and get out there and change their lives, and change the lives of other, based on my words.
            I want to make people think, and then change and be changed. I want so much that will never happen, but maybe this dream will. It’s very ambitious, I know. But I think if I have a chance of changing the world, somehow, it’s going to be with words. Maybe I won’t. Maybe I’ll keep all these words bottled up inside me, because I never have a chance to speak them. I’m too busy doing what I’m supposed to, not changing a thing about me, to change the world. So maybe I’ll get used to this, keeping my words inside me. Eventually, if I keep them in, never to say what I truly think, I’ll go insane.
            I won’t, I know. I get to speak. It may not be the unrefined, raw, and intensely wonderful words I wish to speak; but I don’t think the world’s ready for that yet. I don’t think I’m ready for that yet. But I will be. And my words will change the world, someday.

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